Sunday, January 16, 2011

For Such a Time as This

The story of Esther was always intriguing to me—one of the Bible’s biggest female “stars,” placed in a story of political unrest and secrecy, following God’s plan to a heroic conclusion. As I grew up reading and listening to this story, I never thought that one day I would feel called like Esther was. I don’t mean that I’m a star, nor involved in heroic endeavors to save a nation, but that like Esther, God called me “for such a time as this.”

Growing up in a community of Adventist churches and schools, I had long known about Student Missionaries and their journeys to far away lands. Many close friends and family members of mine had served abroad, helping countless people who often lacked the basic resources and opportunities I was accustomed to. I knew from the end of my Jr. High years that one day I, too, would give a year of my life in service to God and others. My plan had been to work in Thailand at a school run by a woman my family knew. Her tales of Thailand and the children at her school made me certain that that was where I wanted to be. I didn’t even consider other options. I was going to Thailand.

But, God has a way of working that I don’t fully understand—a plan for my life that is infinitely better than my own. He saw the future ahead of me and led me along the right paths that would best equip me for what He had in mind. For a number of years, I had been closely involved with youth ministry in my valley as well as at summer camp as a boys’ counselor. I had also been in mentoring positions back home where I was spending time with youth on a one-to-one basis. Independent of those paths, God also planted in me a talent for graphic design. Looking back, I can see that only God could have orchestrated this unique combination of abilities and passions.

Always thinking that Thailand was my Student Missionary destination, the thought never crossed my mind until May of 2010 that God might actually be calling me to stay in my own community rather than to leave for Asia. It was during a seemingly insignificant conversation with my mother that I felt distinctly impressed by God to stay home and work as a Task Force Volunteer at my old academy. The school was at a low point because of attendance and other aspects that left faculty and staff with little more resources than they could spare. God inspired in me the idea of volunteering there as a support to the faculty and students—faculty who knew me well from my years in their classes, and the many students with whom I already had a connection through youth groups and summer camp. My graphic design skills would be useful, too, in assisting with the school’s Publications class.

I knew deep inside that my plans to leave for Thailand had not been bad plans, nor were they necessarily out of God’s will for my life. I understood, though, that my ways are not always His ways. This choice to stay was a fairly monumental switch for me, for I was already in the planning stages of preparing to leave for Thailand in just a few months. God’s hand in this new endeavor was made clear to me when I began to restructure my arrangements and make plans to work with the academy. The application process went smoothly, my various work positions around town were incredibly supportive of my decision, and the academy welcomed me with open arms. I began to believe that this was really what I was meant to do.

When the idea originally came into my head, it instantly reminded me of the story of Esther and the famous words spoken to her by her uncle, Mordecai: “And who knows but that you have come to your […] position for such a time as this?” Had God been planning this for me all along? Did He guide me down these seemingly unrelated paths to go back and serve Him at my old academy?
I’m continually reminded through experiences like this one that God truly does have the best in store for me. He foresees my future and prepares me to be the man He needs me to be.
I’m not yet finished with my time of service as a Task Force Volunteer—and I’m thankful for that. By following God’s plan for my life, I couldn’t be in a better place. I’m where I’m supposed to be, “for such a time as this.”